Registered accounts

Options to help you achieve your short and long-term financial goals


  • Take advantage of tax-free earnings
  • Enjoy tax-deferred growth on investments
  • Designed for flexible short and long term goals
  • Opportunity for government grants/incentives
  • Diversify your investment portfolio

At a glance

  • Accounts offer tax-free or tax-sheltered growth in investments and earnings
  • Contributions you make into RRSP and FHSA are generally deductible on your income tax return
  • Annual contribution limits apply
  • Taxes upon withdrawal may apply
  • Form an important part of your investment strategy

Types of registered accounts

Defer tax payments, compound investments, earn tax-free income, and save for your child's post-secondary education.

First Home Savings Account (FHSA)

Save for your first home in a tax-free manner! 

Tax-Free Savings Accounts1 (TFSA)

A flexible investment account that helps you earn tax-free income.

Registered Retirement Savings Accounts1 (RRSP)

A tax-efficient way to save for retirement.

Registered Retirement Income Accounts1 (RRIF)

Provides you with a set yearly income, once you turn 71

U.S. dollar registered accounts

Take advantage of investment opportunities in U.S. markets with Scotia iTRADE U.S. dollar registered accounts, which allow you to trade U.S. denominated securities and hold U.S. cash in the U.S. dollar side of your registered account without incurring currency conversion charges.2

Registered Education Savings Plans1 (RESP)

An attractive way to save for your child's post-secondary education

Frequently asked questions