Commission-free ETFs1
Balance your portfolio by diversifying. Get $0 commission on an extensive selection of ETFs.2
Check out the new ETFs added to our commission-free list.
Diversify with commission-free ETFs from Scotia iTRADE
Diversifying helps put your mind at ease by minimizing risk and maximizing returns on your investments. Scotia iTRADE now offers over 120 commission-free ETFs to help you achieve your diversification goals.
We offer a range of Canada and US listed ETFs across asset classes, geographies, and investment strategies.
Eligible ETFs must be held for a minimum of one business day from the date of purchase (no day trading) to qualify for $0 commission pricing. Regular equity commission will be charged on the sale of any eligible ETFs held for less than 1 business day.
ETF webinars
Check out our 3-part ETF webinar series to learn more about ETFs and how they could fit in your investment strategy. Register by clicking the links below.