You can track up to 500 symbols in your Watchlist.
To keep track of more symbols, use the Portfolios module. Portfolios allows you to add symbols similar to a watchlist and keep track of them. Portfolios allows a higher limit of rows than the watchlist, along with other features and capabilities.
In the Portfolio module, right click on a blank line to enter a symbol or heading which can be used to categorize symbols based on your preference (for example, a particular account or industry).
Right click on the symbol and edit to enter the number of shares, a purchase price, purchase date and purchase fee.
Once entered, the module will allow you to view your daily profit/loss, position profit/loss, along with many more criteria depending on the view selected.
If your Trade Pro Watchlist was over 25 rows, you will find the symbols you are following in the Portfolio module. The Portfolio Module was enhanced (on April 12, 2023) to track up to 500 symbols in each individual portfolio. With 30 portfolios available, you can watch up to 15,000 symbols in the Portfolio module.